MANIFESTOS from times of CRISIS is a participatory public art work, by UK Artist Rosanna Irvine, in which groups of ten people connect across distances and differences to come up with their own collective MANIFESTO.
A new performance event by UK Artist Rosanna Irvine, conceived during the current COVID19 outbreak, creating a virtual gathering space to reflect on what is happening, how we are living, and how we want to continue. Each event generates a Manifesto for the future created by the 'audience' through discussion. Using consensual modes of group decision-making that seek to foster cohesion rather than divisions, MANIFESTOS from times of CRISIS asserts a politics of being in commonality. Lively audience interaction guaranteed!
What is happening?
What do you want to be happening?
What do you not want to happening?
What are you remembering?
What are you forgetting?
What are you hoping?
What kind of a world do you want?
How it works
MANIFESTOS from times of CRISIS operates on the online platform Zoom facilitated by artist Rosanna Irvine. Each group meeting has up to 10 participants. Each group will create their own MANIFESTO. These are posted online gradually accumulating into a collection of MANIFESTOS for a world we want to be living in. You can view the MANIFESTOS collated across the festival here
What's a Manifesto?
A public declaration of the intentions, motives, or views of a group - usually a number of statements presented as a list
Who can participate?
We want to gather a wide range of participants across ages, ethnicities, genders, localities.
What will happen?
Each group will reflect on and discuss the situation we are now experiencing. The list of "what…" questions above is a starting point. Through a facilitated process involving whole group discussion, and some time in smaller groups of 3 or 4 people, you'll move towards your MANIFESTO from times of CRISIS - your collective vision for a world we want to be living in.
Image: Rosanna Irvine
Fri 1 May - Sun 3 May, groups of ten participants hosted by the artist on Zoom, twice daily.
Fri 1 May
Session 1: 1pm - 2.15pm Sold out
Session 2: 5pm-6.15pm Sold out
Sat 2 May
Session 1: 1pm - 2.15pm BSL interpreted Sold out
Session 2: 5pm-6.15pm Sold out
Sun 3 May
Session 1: 11am - 12.15pm Sold out
Session 2: 5pm-6.15pm Sold out
Ticket information and accessing events online
Due to Covid-19, this year's GIFT festival has been re-imagined online providing a digital space for us to come together and experience work and participate in virtual discussion events and workshop activities.
Tickets are limited and Pay What You Decide. You can make a donation to support this year’s festival here
Once you have purchased your tickets you will receive an email with details on how to access your event online. Further information on how to attend GIFT events online will be made available on the GIFT website soon.
Artist biographies
Rosanna Irvine
Rosanna Irvine is a Glasgow-based choreographic artist making work independently and in collaboration with other artists. Her work is research-driven operating in an expanded field that includes performance, installation, participatory public art, drawing, digital media and writing. While works are diverse in range they have in common a close working with attention and perception and a concern with the actuality of things and of situations. Through the choreographing of relational processes particular to each project, she aims to quieten a sense of individual desire making way for a collective sense that extends to audiences and the material world – processes that have the capacity to open spaces for a quiet and radical politics of being, acting and producing together with human and non-human others.